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Loan Approval Stages Settings

Loan Performer allows you to have different levels of loan approvals for people with different functions. There are three loan approval stages and you have to define the function of the user at each stage before you can use this functionality.

This process also works as an audit or control function where a loan process should not be handled entirely by a single person which can lead abuse of concealment of fraud. This approval process can be done by different loan products

How to set Loan Approval Stages

To set Loan Approval Stages you go to System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/Loan Approval Stages and a screen looking as follows shows up:

On the screen that shows up there are two options i.e

i. The place and position of the credit officers from loan application through the loan approval stages and

ii. The three loan approval stages.

On the place and position of the credit officers from loan application through the loan approval stages there are four options

The three loan approval stages:

Click on the Save command button to save the first stage of Loan Approval and on the Close command button to exit the menu.

2. Loan Approval in 2 stages: Select the second radio button if your loans are to be approved through 2 stages done by users with different functions, e.g., by "Branch Manager" and the "Supervisor". A screen like the one below will be displayed: 

Select the user function of the person approving the loan 1st stage, e.g., "Branch Manager'" then select the user function of the person approving the loan 2ndstage, e.g., "Supervisor".

Note: Once the first user approves in the first stage, the loan will still be available at the approval stage only for the next user. This happens in both the loan approvals in 2 and 3 stages

Click on the Save command button to save the 2 stage loan approval settings and on the Close command button to exit the menu.

3. Loan Approval in 3 stages: Select the third radio button if your loans are to be approved through 3 stages done by users with different functions, e.g., by "Loans Officer", "Branch Manager"  A screen like the one below will be displayed: 

Select the user function of the person approving the loan 1st stage, e.g., "Credit Officer", then select the user function of the person approving the loan 2nd loan approval stage, e.g., "Branch Manager" and then select the user function for the person approving the loan 3rd loan approval stage, e.g., "Supervisor".

Click on the Save button to save the 3 stage loan approval settings and on the Close button to exit the menu.

Note: You can View/Print the parameters of the Loan Approval Stages configuration and keep them for future reference by clicking on the Print command button.

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